blue multisplash vest&IheartNYtank (all ICONIA)/KneeHighBoots (Putri's)
forgive me for i have sinned..i am probably the laziest blogger there is--i think coz it has to do with me having to write..i lead a boring life peoplexD nothing interesting..i do have my chictopia account for daily wardrobe posts--i guess i love the fact that u can just post a picture and add 2 or 3 sentences and poof! u even get feedback from others; for blogs-ive seen its more of a diary..dont get me wrong..i love reading other people's blogs but when it comes to myself..i prefer a picture or 2 of myself and that's just not good in writingxp On the other hand, tumblr is such an addiction of mine..if u have time please do check mine i usually post random pictures..
anyways..hope everyone had a lovely new year!! Congratulations to the winners for the Tongue Chic award!! Go Indonesia Go!(^U^)